29 March 2011

Giveaway for Patty arrived

I'm so happy, the giveaway arrived today. I made everything from scratch - except the wooden bench. I bought the blank seat from Beate Holzner, because I love the style so much and I didn't want to copy it. What a pity, that you can't see the tiny cookies on the plates. Okay - I have to practice making plates and cups, but I hope Patty likes them nevertheless.... I made the cups with "hot chocolate", so Pattys dolls can play "coffee party" with the teddy. I'm afraid that he is a little piggy because he dribbled some of the cocoa - fortunately he had a bibSince days I'm working on new cushions and there will be a lot of styles. I hope, tomorrow I can show you some results.


  1. that looks beautiful!! so lucky!

  2. Andrea, wow!! I love the little teddy with his messy bib, hahaha.
    Plates and cups are hard to make for me too, mine always come out looking lopsided somehow, lol. But yours look fantastic - love the little polk-a-dot design.


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