15 July 2012

Yoga Doggies Final Place

Last week I promised myself to finish the "Nice Witch Scene" (as far as possible), before I work on more toys...... and I deliver my promises! Yoga doggie has his final place under the "Tree of Life". The powerful illumination can wake the dead - but not Yoga Doggie!Next time I'll show you the rest of the scene. But I have to warn you. The Nice Witch still has no dress. Nevertheless she agreed to be seen in this state. Only her tights are tooooo skinny (she said - - - that's a problem, I have no inkling of), but they will be covered by a cat in her lap.
Have a wonderful Sunday


  1. Ciao!!! Piacere sono Elvira!!!! Piacere di conoscerti!!! Le tue miniature sono bellissime!!! Passa atrovarmi ..sei invitata al mio primo give away!!!
    Un bacio dall Italia

  2. Ciao Elvira,
    grazie per l'invito e il complimento.
    Tanti saluti a Italia e anche un bacio "in miniatura"

  3. Enhorabuena es un fantastico trabajo, me encantan esas fotografias.
    besitos ascension


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