9 December 2012

Finally I started...

I can't believe it. Since 2 years I have this room in my mind. Today I started with the roombox and I hope, I'll finish most of the project this year. It's my dream of a living room with lots of books, a fireplace and with a door to a conservatory (this project is for later...). Something I'd love to have in real life. But I'll be happy to see it in miniature right in front of the desk, where I do most of my work.The next week I hope to have better light, then I'll make the promised pictures of the minis I bought in Mannheim.
Please tell me, if you'd like to see the progress of this project. Then I'll post about it.
Have a wonderful week


  1. Can't wait to see it, sounds fab! :)
    Kat x

  2. Looking forward to seeing your progress. Sounds fantastic.
    Hugs Maria

  3. Of course we like to see more.....I do, Andrea :D!!
    Greetings, Ilona


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