27 March 2013

My Favorite Childhood Toy Bricks

Since years I have been thinking about "HOW TO DO THESE BRICKS". Another of my favorite toys when I was a child. Tonight some of my last brain cells had a dazzling idea. And this is the result. I hope you like it.
Have a wonderful day


  1. Andrea, these so perfect. I'm so glad you put them on a penny because it makes one realize how tiny they really are.

  2. Amazinig! Could you please share this genious idea?) I can think of nothing suitable to make them!

  3. Amazing. Are they made of some sort of clay? They are so tiny!
    Hugs, Drora

  4. Great idea and perfect realization!
    Greetings, Faby

  5. Hi Ladies,
    thank's for all your nice comments.
    But don't be disappointed, that I don't share the "how to", because I really was thinking about it some years. And I'll sell the bricks, so I keep it as a secret.
    And now I prepare the drawing for the
    give away....
    Happy Easter

  6. Liebe Andrea,
    Ich hoffe Du behälst sowohl das jahrelang ausgetüftelte Geheimnis der Herstellung als auch die letzten so genialen Ideenhirnzellen bei Dir!
    Frohe Ostern und liebe Grüße

  7. hi Andrea. That's perfectly fine :)
    We all have our secrets and this one is definitely worth saving! :)

  8. I love toys, Im glad I just found your blog (trough Otterine)
    This Lego bricks are very well made. My daughter just discovered duplo (the bigger bricks from the same company) and we play a lot now a days, I most try making some miniatures of them myself =)

  9. Hello Andrea! I just want to commend you on a incredible miniaturization of the Lego blocks! They are perfectly executed and I don't blame you for wanting to keep this secret for yourself. You worked out how to do it and it is your baby. I will be satisfied with the opportunity to share the pleasure of seeing it through your blog! Well Done!



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