23 March 2014

KDF Collection 2014

I always wanted to make a Christmas roombox for a 1:12 scene. Would I have known how much time I had to work for this tree only..... For the complete room I needed about 60 hours.
I don't know, if I could sell it, but it doesn't matter. I'd also be happy to keep it. I turned the candle holders and the table (the part under the tabletop - who can help me out - I don't know how this is called. It's only one ??? in the middle, so I don't think it's called "leg":) )
There are snowflake falling behind the window and snowflakes will also be the theme of my next miniature. Tomorrow I'll don't have the time for minis, but during the next week I hope I can show you more. This time it will be 1:12 again.
Have a wonderful day


  1. That is a charming room box. The one support in the middle of the table is called a pedestal.

    1. Thank you, "Anonymous" :)). I even didn't know, how the pedestal is called in my own language. All my tables have legs. And I'm always happy to learn.
      Best regards

  2. Andrea, this is fabulous work, it is beautiful!! I also thought that tables have legs, but I see you got your answer.
    Have a nice day!
    Liebe Grüsse, Ilona

  3. Great work! I can see why it took you awhile to finish this =) You have made a lot of great details!

  4. Liebe Andrea,
    diese winzige Szene ist so schön geworden und Du hast wieder so viel Arbeit und Mühe in kleinste Details investiert! Ich finde alles ganz zauberhaft und habe allergrößten Respekt hinsichtlich Deiner Geduld und Deines Könnens!
    Liebe Grüße

  5. Beautiful little room box!!! The smaller things take so much time and are so charming! good luck at the fair! I was also going to say "pedestal" table... but I am late lol!


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