6 June 2014

The Riddle - Day 2

Know it already? Have a wonderful day


  1. Uh, a doll, who wears a blue and white striped skirt, there above a floral apron and red boots on her feet ;)?
    Hihihi, I love these kind of riddles, Andrea :D!
    Schönes Pfingsten weekend!
    LG, Ilona

    1. HOT! But I like to hear - no read - more;)))
      Schöne Pfingsten for you too
      LG Andrea

  2. It is for ironing a sleeve. So... a sort of ironing board.

  3. Well... I can see a woman's(?) elbow. She/he is wearing a blue and whitestriped apron, but the rest is a total mystery. Heck, I can't wait to see what it really is!!

  4. Dress collar or sleeve..
    Or maybe it's a sleeve for apron...

    I guess I'm "completely in the woods" with this one *grin*


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