1 April 2018

Happy Easter

As I promised for Easter Sunday I proudly present my new Easter shop:))) 
Since a few weeks I was working on my new scene and I'm very happy with it.
On the left side you can see some glas miniatures, that are made by my friends Rainer & Heinrike (she made the perfect "sugar" eggs). The rose coloured plate is made by Phil Grenyer.
The beautiful set of ceramic bowls in the middle of the scene is made by Elisabeth Causeret. Unfortunately I don't know who made the delicate lidded basket. It's one of the first miniatures I bought a long time ago.
The ceramic mugs and lamb are made by Veronique Cornish.
The white mouse on the red platform is one of the amazing mechanical toys from L&A St Leger.
Of course I added some of the always wonderful miniatures from Veronique Lux.
The bear (he smuggled himself into the scene by wearing a hair band with rabbit ears....) and the lamb are sitting on a beautiful wickered seat. I have to admit, that I forget to make a note from whom I bought it a few years ago at the KDF in London. This a shame, because it's really beautiful. The green glas bowl is also made by Phil Grenyer.

A few spots on the shelves are vacant - that's because I ordered some miniatures from Silke Fichtner (the old fashioned wooden Erzgebirge miniatures on the first shelf) and she asked me, if I could wait a few weeks. No problem - I'm happy that I'll get them at all. They are so beautiful and just as the ones I know from my childhood.
The wooden egg stand is made by Gert und Ans Vogels-van Nassau from VONAS Miniaturen
Except of the ceramics, a few baskets, the table in the middle and the miniatures where I mentioned the artisan, I made everything myself.
Have a wonderful day


  1. It's so beautiful! All the little details, the colours, it's wonderful :-). And I see you even have a little basket with carrots! I love it, great work! <3 :-)

    1. Thank you so much:))) The "carrots" are easter treats in carrot shaped paper boxes. You can see them closer here: https://andrea-thieck-miniatures.blogspot.de/2018/03/easter-treats-in-carrot-boxes.html
      I wish you a wonderful Easter time. Hopefully with better weather than in Berlin.

  2. Ha quedado muy bonita, felicidades.
    Un abrazo

    1. Muchas gracias, querida Marian:)))
      And a big "Mini"-hug for you too

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is a Wonderful way to display your Easter related Treasures, Andrea! Your collection includes some Really Beautiful pieces, as well as your own Incredible work! I especially like the egg trees and the basket of "carrots" YUM!
    Happy Easter weekend :D


    1. Thank you, Elizabeth:)))
      I really have some beautiful Easter miniatures. Because of these, I made the scene. At the end of last year I made the decision either to make a scene, or something for my ETSY shop, or give the miniatures away (my "Minihexen"-friends are very happy at the moment). No more minis only lying around in drawers!!! So there will be some more scenes this year...:)
      I have so many, many, many toys in the drawers - and ideas. So the 2 rooms for kids are the next project.
      But for now - happy Easter weekend for you too - at least what's left of it:)

  5. Una maravilla, me encantan la cantidad de detalles que has colocado en las estanterías, una forma de disfrutarlos todos juntos.Feliz semana:-)

    1. Thank you, Contrastes-Rosa. I'm happy that you like it:)
      Best wishes

  6. Oh Heavens! What a cheerful and original shop!!! You have thought of Everything! I Love the basket of carrots for the Bunnys... and the little wagon with the big eggs.... surely they have "scenes" in them? (I remember big sugar eggs with a little world inside!) This is so wonderfully original!!! :)

    1. Thanks a lot:))) I cheated a little bit with the big eggs. Only one can be opened and has a nice paper lining - just as the real ones. Unfortunately it is difficult to see on the picture.
      Have a wonderful weekend


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